What is D&T? Options pack

Resources to help promote Design and Technology in your school, to pupils and parents

What is D&T? Options pack

This package of leaflets and posters is intended to support school D&T departments to help inform students, parents and others in the school and help make clear the value of studying D&T.

In many schools, performance measures are squeezing the amount of choice pupils have with KS4 subjects. It’s also the case that D&T is often misunderstood, seen as ‘craft’ and not the sophisticated and comprehensive subject it is. To address this and support teachers and departments when promoting GCSE D&T as an option, we have made available the following resources.

Our FREE Options Evening Pack includes:


PDF Posters:

This package of resources can be used flexibly to promote the varied and career pathways that studying D&T GCSE can lead to. The leaflets and posters should be clearly displayed in the D&T department and in prominent communal spaces. 

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Design and Technology (D&T) is the inspiring, rigorous and practical subject which prepares all young people to live and work in the designed and made world.

We are focused on giving you the tools, knowledge and information you need to become more effective, more experienced and more efficient. Giving you access to expert opinions. And creating a place where you can air your views, ask your questions and so help make a difference to your life and those of your pupils. We want to hear from you. We want to know how we can help. And we want you to join us.

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