Dom Callaghan

Experienced Leatherworker, woodworker and teacher of Blacksmithing within a school environment. Specialist area: metalwork (welding, brazing & grinding) Experience teaching within the workshop environment in most of the staple D&T projects and processes.

Working for Exeter based CIC: Co Create, teaching leather/woodworking/design workshops and as a fabricator for bespoke commissions.


  1. Blacksmithing sessions to any schools who are interested and already currently have a brazing hearth.
  2. Perspective drawing/drawing for design tutorials

Locations: Exeter, London


Health and Safety Trainer
S10HS - Grinding and Sharpening
S1HS - Wood Sawing Machines
S2HS - Centre Lathe
S4HS - Metal Arc Welding
S5HS - Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting
S8HS - Planer/Thicknesser Machines
S9HS - Portable Power Tools
SCHS - Secondary Core
SMHS - (Secondary Materials)