Welcome Back!

Published 7th September 2022

It's that time of year again - the time when teachers across the country start to return to the classroom after a much-needed and well-deserved summer break.

We sincerely hope that you were able to switch off and recharge your batteries and enjoy your time off. We could see many teachers begin to start planning and preparing and know it is a busy and exciting time for teachers, support staff and pupils returning to the classroom.

For some, the thought of heading back to work after a long break can be a daunting one. But there are plenty of things that teachers can do to make the transition back to the classroom a smooth one.

We are offering a range of training to ensure confidence in the classroom. We are also offering short, bite-sized 60-minute CPD sessions. This is to ensure accessibility and flexibility within our training offering whilst also not taking up too much time. This is alongside our face-to-face, live digital and e-learning courses. We can also provide bespoke inset training, just get in contact to find out more at events@data.org.uk. We want to ensure continued support for teachers delivering D&T.

We have a number of resources in our resource shop to help and can also offer support and guidance on delivering your D&T curriculum. Nearly 80% of our resources are free for members:


Contact us for guidance and support:

Tel: 01789 470007

Email: info@data.org.uk

Website: www.data.org.uk

Above all we want to support teachers delivering D&T and are therefore available by phone or email if you have a query. We are happy to help.

Feeling nervous about returning?

For those who are feeling the prospect of returning to the class intimidating or overwhelming there are a number of support networks out there:




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