World Mental Health Day

Published 10th October 2023

This World Mental Health Day, let's remember that educators need care too. Teaching is a rewarding yet challenging profession, and it's essential to prioritise your mental well-being. If you or a colleague are struggling, remember you are not alone.

Your mental health matters. You're shaping the future, one student at a time, but don't forget to nurture your own well-being as well.  

Have a look at some links below:

NHS Mental Health Services: The National Health Service (NHS) provides mental health services, including counselling, therapy, and crisis support. You can contact your local NHS Trust or visit the NHS website for more information.

Samaritans: A confidential 24/7 helpline that offers emotional support to anyone in distress. You can call them at 116 123 or visit their website.

Mind: A mental health charity that offers information, support, and advice on a wide range of mental health issues. Visit their website for resources and local services.

Rethink Mental Illness: Another charity that provides support and advice for those affected by mental illness. Visit their website for information and helplines.

Crisis Text Line: Shout is a free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service. You can text "SHOUT" to 85258 to connect with a trained crisis volunteer.

CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably): Focused on preventing male suicide, CALM offers a helpline and webchat service for men in the UK. Visit their website for more information.

YoungMinds: A charity dedicated to children and young people's mental health. They offer resources and support for both young people and parents.

Anxiety UK: Provides support, information, and services for those with anxiety disorders. Visit their website or call their helpline.

No Panic: A charity that specialises in self-help recovery for people who experience panic attacks, phobias, and anxiety. Visit their website for resources and helplines.

SANE: Offers emotional support, information, and guidance for people affected by mental illness. You can call their helpline or visit their website.

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