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816 results found for your search "All About Vegetables"

In Conversation with Brian Oppenheim

HMI lead inspector for D&T, Brian Oppenheim, Podcast brought to you by the Design and Technology Association in partnership with the Edge Foundation. Listen now! Brian Oppenheim one of Her Majesties lead inspectors, a former teacher and head of design and technology and currently an experienced lead inspector with responsibility for the subject. In this conversation, we cover Brian's experience at school and what brought him to train to teach design and technology with the Inner London Education Authority. Brian talks us through his experiences as a head of department and how he developed a...

Fiona Stevenson, Finance Director, NEJ Stevenson Ltd.

Finance Director, NEJ Stevenson Ltd., Fiona Stevenson, NEJ Stevenson Ltd are designers and makers of fine custom made furniture and bespoke architectural joinery. As cabinetmakers to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, they have developed an enviable reputation for crafting some of the finest contemporary and heritage furniture available. From individual pieces to entire rooms, their furniture can be found within opulent private residences, historic buildings, independent schools, universities and places of worship. Fiona has been with the company for over 20 years and is responsible for the management of the company’s finances and financial management of...

Lol Conway

Curriculum Consultant, Lol Conway, Lol Conway has been a Design and Technology teacher for 13 years teaching students from years 7 to 13 in comprehensive secondary schools. She has been a Head of Department for 7 of those years and was a College/Pastoral Leader for 2. During her time as Head of Department she took a department that was struggling to a thriving and outstanding faculty within the school. Lol trained and worked in Theatre Design before going on to work for The Guardian as part of their Digital Advertising team for 5 years. She came into teaching...

Sophie Adams-Foster

Sophie Adams-Foster, Sophie is Business and Strategy Director at Realise Design in Bristol, an industrial design agency that has won multiple industry awards for its work. With more than 15 years of experience in the design and engineering industry, she possesses an in-depth firsthand understanding of the product design development process, including electronic design, certification, prototyping, manufacturing, and 3D printing. She specializes in commercialising products for a diverse range of clients, including inventors, entrepreneurs, large corporations, and the defense sector. Sophie has overseen the development of various products, such as home appliances, industrial equipment, connected IOT devices, and...

KS3 Contexts: Connecting Education and Industry. Free to all Schools this year

KS3 Contexts: Connecting Education and Industry. Free to all Schools this year, We were the first country in the world to see the importance of design and technology education and make it a compulsory subject. At its height, D&T had over 430,000 GCSE entries, whereas in 2022 this dropped to just over 78,000 and continues to fall. Where we once led, the world has followed and looks to rapidly overtake with D&T and STEM education being given educational priority in many countries worldwide. Alongside a decline of student entries, we also have a critical shortage of suitably...

In Conversation with David O'Coimin

CEO of Do Company, David O'Coimin, Podcast brought to you by The Design and Technology Association in partnership with The Edge Foundation. Listen now. David is the founder and CEO of Do Company, a company founded in 2016 to "Deliver smart solutions to the challenges posed by rapidly changing living and working environments". He describes himself as a digital nomad and a serial entrepreneur. In this podcast, he talks us through his journey from school in rural Ireland to becoming a product designer, social visionary, and successful entrepreneur. Do Company is about product creation but also so...

In Conversation with Kialy Tihngang

Young Designer, Kialy Tihngang, We were fortunate to bump into Kialy at New Designers this year and knew there and then that she had a story to tell that made her a perfect guest for this podcast.In this episode, we hear how Kialy set her heart and soul on working in fashion at a very young age, and when she secured a place on the foundation course at Central St. Martin's, this set the stage for her dream to come true. For many reasons, this did not provide the experience she sought, and she endured the course rather than thriving...

For Educators: Fusion 360 Virtual Skills Camp

For Educators: Fusion 360 Virtual Skills Camp | 6-9 September, 2022, Autodesk invites U.K. educators to join a free, four-day virtual conference from September 6 – 9, to learn all about Autodesk Fusion 360, the integrated platform for 3D CAD, CAM, AM and PCB. You’ll have the opportunity to hear from: Autodesk leaders about what the future holds for Fusion 360 Fellow educators about creative ways to use Fusion 360 in the classroom Autodesk customers about how Fusion 360 is changing the ways they work During...

Reinforcing gender stereotypes, or are we all just showing our ignorance with respect to design and technology education

Reinforcing gender stereotypes, or are we all just showing our ignorance with respect to design and technology education , If there was ever an example of journalists, fabricating and fanning the flames of an education ‘story’, in pursuit of a salacious report, then this was it. It all started as parent (or someone representing a child), questioned the school ‘taster’ experience that a class of year 4 primary children would receive when visiting one of two single sex local secondary school, Spalding High School and Spalding Grammar School. A letter was sent home to parents in the...

Pylon Flight

Pylon Flight, A free resource to allow Key Stage 4 students to learn how aircraft fly and use digital design and manufacturing tools to design, make and fly their own powered aircraft. Flight can be a challenging, technically rich and fun D&T activity. The principles of flight are well documented but will need to be interpreted for students at an appropriate level when designing, making and testing designs for aircraft. This set of resources contains detailed information on the principles of flight, propellers and measuring thrust, digital design and manufacture, gliding and powered flight. There are...

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